La vie

"Later, much later...each harrowing ordeal will become an adventure. For some idiotic reason, your most horrific experiences are the stories you most love to tell." -Xavier, L'Auberge Espagnole

26 March 2006

Week twelve

M - 8 miles
T - 4
W - 13
R - 3.5 morning / 9.5 evening (workout)
F - 4.5
S - 10.5 morning (workout) / 4 evening
S - 9

Total: 66
Year to date: 663

P.S. Does anyone else fall victim to the delusional belief that writing workout splits on your hand automatically means you'll hit every single one?


  • At 11:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Workout splits on your hand???? Never thought of it. Of course, it's been 37 years since I've done sprint workouts (except for an occasional workout on a treadmill when it's easy to keep track of splits).
    Cuurent statistics: 49-1 Today: 4 passes with not including THREE who stopped running and started walking right before I passed!!!!

  • At 8:38 PM, Blogger Paige said…

    I write the splits I want to hit, so in the middle of a long interval I don't have to do math. It works well for races too, as long as you don't wipe your nose on your hand and erase the numbers. :)

    Nice stat!


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