La vie

"Later, much later...each harrowing ordeal will become an adventure. For some idiotic reason, your most horrific experiences are the stories you most love to tell." -Xavier, L'Auberge Espagnole

24 March 2006


My morning class was cancelled today so I slept in. I was awakened by students parading against the CPE down my street.

Yesterday was the 'official' day for the anti-CPE demonstrations, but all I saw here was a small gatheriing of maybe 20-25 people downtown. Their banner identified them as EDF/GDF (the national electricity and gas company) workers, but they weren't doing much except milling around and forcing traffic to be rerouted.

Last night's news showed some of the protests in Paris, Bordeaux and other cities. Evidently there has been a fair amount of violence. Many universities, including the Sorbonne, are not holding classes right now because the students are striking.

On my way to one of my schools I pass by a high school which has a sign outside declaring a greve (strike) to protest the CPE, but it's not clear whether the students or the teachers or both are striking. There seemed to be too many people hanging out around the school for a strike to be happening, however.

This cominig Tuesday is the 'official' day for unions across France to strike. The teachers at one of Meredith's schools are participating, but the school where he teaches in the afternoon will be in session. I need to find out what the teachers at Balzac are planning.

I only have a basic understanding of what they're protesting so I'll leave some news links for those who are interested:

French labour law talks deadlock

France set for new student unrest

France's Chirac stands firm on youth job law

French Student Protests Turn Violent

France's political musketeer, Villepin plays high stakes in jobs row

Villepin veut croire à une reprise du dialogue autour du CPE


  • At 7:42 PM, Blogger Paige said…

    Does anyone out there know -

    is it just a coincidence that most of the demonstrators are wearing black?

  • At 3:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks for the news links. They gave me a better understanding of what is going on. Keep safe and I love you tons and tons!!!


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