La vie

"Later, much later...each harrowing ordeal will become an adventure. For some idiotic reason, your most horrific experiences are the stories you most love to tell." -Xavier, L'Auberge Espagnole

20 March 2006

Week eleven + Vichy 10k

M - 7 miles
T - 5 morning / 7 evening
W - 11
R - 9.5 (workout)
F - 5
S - 6.5
S - 13 (Vichy 10k)

Total: 64
Year to date: 497

I raced a 10k in Vichy yesterday. After battling the flu last weekend, I developed a cough. I didn't think it would really affect me, but I think my body has been weakened by whatever bug this is.

The short story is that I struggled right from the gun. My first 2k were a decent pace (3:56, 4:00) but after that every kilometer was slower than the last. It didn't help that we ran a long stretch into a stiff headwind.

Meredith ran with me the whole time and, in addition to the wind and his own cough, he had to battle my bad attitude, encouraging me the whole way. We finished together in 42:12 -- a two second PR -- but still disappointing. I was the 5th woman overall, and the second senior.

My next race will be a half marathon in Riom. Until then I will be drinking massive amounts of water, eating lots of vegetables, and sleeping much better than I have been.


  • At 2:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sure hope you get your strength back asap. That was nice that Meridith ran with you. Thank him for me. Your time was great. Congratulations! I love you tons and tons!!!


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