La vie

"Later, much later...each harrowing ordeal will become an adventure. For some idiotic reason, your most horrific experiences are the stories you most love to tell." -Xavier, L'Auberge Espagnole

24 September 2005

Disappointing non-race

Unfortunately, the day afterI wrote the last post about my training and racing plan for Sunday's marathon, I got sick again. Honestly, more than being miserable from the symptoms, I was angry that I was sick with such bad timing*, ruling out the marathon and making the France transition more difficult. Now that I've been on antibiotics for over two days, I'm still a little annoyed because now I feel great, perfectly able to run.

Because I hate being negative I have to acknowledge the positive aspects of the situation. I won't be limping around for a week. I can sleep in on Sunday. I've gained some great fitness this summer and set some new PRs. I can spend this weekend socializing and preparing for France. And of course I don't have to spend 12 hours in the car listening to my dad's terrible radio selections.

(*Okay, the timing could be worse. For example, I had minor colds through college - but rarely - and I was only sick enough to take antibiotics once. I can't imagine being an effective participant in class let alone taking, say, a legendary abnormal psych exam feeling the way I did a couple days ago. Honestly, I think a huge factor in my college success was staying healthy - and therefore clear-headed, efficient, and positive - and I'm grateful that my health has been so strong, because my illnesses have certainly been short and treatable. And I'm sorry that I have been so complain-y recently!)


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