
Shall I start the countdown? Really, I should have begun yesterday because it's now less than a month before I leave for France. I have the job (of course!), the plane tickets, the visa, and some cash in the bank to support myself until my salary kicks in.
I do not, however, have a place to live yet. There is a great website that shows available rentals all over France and I've shopped around some there. The woman who is in charge of this program recommends that we wait to obtain housing in order to make a better decision. My main concern is location: I'll be working in a fairly small town and I'd like to have access to other (bigger) cities -- especially Clermont-Ferrand, where I have a few friends studying abroad -- but I don't want to deal with a long commute to work. My other hope for housing is that I might be able to find a family willing to let me stay in their home so I can be so much more immersed in French culture and language. Although I wasn't as close with my Spanish host family as I would have liked, it was a great experience living with them, eating Spanish food at every meal, speaking only Spanish, and getting such a close look at a part of Spanish culture that is hidden from the casual tourist.
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