La vie

"Later, much later...each harrowing ordeal will become an adventure. For some idiotic reason, your most horrific experiences are the stories you most love to tell." -Xavier, L'Auberge Espagnole

23 August 2005

potential races in France

When I was living in Spain, I ran the Maratón Popular de Valencia and I'm already planning to go to Paris for the Paris Marathon in April. Still, I'm interested in running some shorter races this fall in France and after a particularly good 20 mile run today, I was feeling inspired to research fall races. I happened upon a couple that occur during vacances de la Toussaint.

The Marathon de Gatine has a 2 person marathon relay race which would be fun if I can convince a friend to run the other half. The Marathon de Provence Luberon holds a half-marathon and a 10k race in addition to the marathon. The best part is that first prize is 10 bottles of wine for the 10k, 21 bottles for the half, and 42 for the full. Oh, and every half marathon runner gets a bottle and the full marathon runners get two. How would anyone get 10 bottles of wine home, let alone 21 or 42? I'd imagine the winners make quite a few friends at the post-race party.


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