La vie

"Later, much later...each harrowing ordeal will become an adventure. For some idiotic reason, your most horrific experiences are the stories you most love to tell." -Xavier, L'Auberge Espagnole

15 February 2006

Not Valentine's Day - Halfway Day

Today marks the halfway point of my time in France: Four and a half months behind me and I still have four and a half months before my contract is done.

I only celebrated Valentine's Day with one class. My Monday CM2 kids are just so cooperative and fun to teach that I couldn't resist having a small celebration with them. My parents had sent me conversation hearts and I thought the English messages on them would be a perfect tie-in. After going through a normal lesson on food (and conjugating the verb "to eat") we learned "Do you like (onions/carrots/fish/etc)?" "Yes, I like (xxx)," "No, I don't like (xxx)." Of course then I asked them, "Do you like candy?" and distributed the candy.

I don't think French kids eat many sweets because they always get excited when I bring even small pieces of candy to class, and these kids were no exception. They acted like the hearts were a delicacy (though coming all the way from the U.S. might make them so...) and wanted to know if they were expensive.

They were also fascinated by the little messages, and we dug through the bag so everyone could have a heart saying "LOVE YOU." I gave rough translations of the other messages. One boy threw his heart away when I explained what "kiss me" meant!


  • At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I thought those conversation hearts would be a hit. I wish we had sent more. I love you tons and tons!!!


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